Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Week 20: Halfway there!

We are officially halfway there! We have been extremely blessed thus far by having a very smooth pregnancy without complications. I am so excited to be at the halfway point, but it also makes it very real that this baby will be coming in no time!

This week was my favorite by far! Not only was it Christmas, but I felt the baby kick for the first time (where I knew for sure it was kicks and not just gas or being bloated)! I received plenty of maternity clothes for Christmas, and I absolutely love them! The jeans are so comfortable, and the shirts are so nice. I can totally understand why these clothes were invented in the first place, I love them! Christmas Eve was very nice. We had family over our house for dinner and then we attended midnight mass. It was the first time in a very long time we've attended at midnight, and I really enjoyed it. I think it might be a new tradition for us. Christmas Day was wonderful because I was able to sleep in (last Christmas I'll be able to do that!) and while Jorge took Carlos to the airport we ate some breakfast and Emily and Tasha came over for our annual gift exchange. After opening all of our gifts we got ready and took off to my Grandma's house for dinner/gift exchange with my dad's side of the family.

Overall a great week and was very excited that the baby decided to kick a little harder for me to feel him/her! It was the perfect gift for me :) As always, I feel extremely blessed to be pregnant and growing this little one inside of me. There is absolutely NO downside to pregnancy, and I'm truly cherishing every single moment of it!

P.S. One of the gifts I received was for me and the baby from Jorge, and it's our first few cloth diapers! I'm so excited to start our stash, and the owl one is just too cute not to share ;)

1 comment:

  1. You will never forget the feeling of that little one in your belly. It will only get more crazy the bigger he/she gets and starts doing summersaults :) I can still remember exactly what it feels like to have a little elbow rub across my belly, or a foot to the bladder ;) enjoy it mama, don't forget to take some video of the baby gymnastics when you get bigger.
