Monday, December 30, 2013

Week 19

Week 19 seemed like a blur! Sorry I'm posting this so late, but I am taking the pictures on time which is most important! 

This picture is a little deceiving, the shirt flows very easily and you can't see my bump as much as it's there. Either way, soon enough I'm sure it will be growing like crazy!

This week was a little hectic. Jorge's parents and brother flew out of town for the holidays and we had a photo booth event on Friday in Pasadena. Since I'm pregnant and not able to help out as much as I used to during set-up and take down of the booth, my Dad came along and really helped us out. We had a little bit of free time before the booth was ready for customers so we walked a few blocks to find someplace to eat dinner. Pasadena is such a beautiful city. I love how so many places are so close together and the streets are very walk-able. We found a Japanese food place to grab a quick bite to eat, and it was delicious! I was teased with some California rolls (I can't wait to have real sushi and sashimi after this pregnancy!) and some miso soup (my absolute favorite). 

Later on in the week we went to Mass at noon and Father Tim joked how much I had grown this week. He said that next week he'd be "rolling me in"! I love the relationship we have with him and Father Ricky at our church, they make going to mass very special to us. 

Jorge's cousin Carlos was in town for a few days, so Sunday evening we went over to visit with him and the family. Zoe received her Christmas gifts from Elizabeth and she had fun entertaining us playing "Tea" and learning her fruit. It's amazing to me that Zoe is only two years old and is so smart! She loves to learn. She wants us to constantly quiz her on animals, fruit, the alphabet, etc. I'm really looking forward to doing the same thing with our baby!

Since I'm writing this so late, I'll be working on my Week 20 post very shortly! As always, still feeling very blessed to have a healthy pregnancy and everything continues to go smoothly :)

-Heather Ortiz, mama to be

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