Friday, April 11, 2014

Week 34

Thirty-four is my lucky number, and week 34 was definitely another great week!

I spent the week working from home and it went a little smoother than it did last week. We're learning what works and what doesn't as far as making sure everything can run efficiently in the next few months. There are still a few kinks to work out, but that's okay we still have some time.

This week sleeping was definitely more of an issue more than any other week. One night I woke up exactly every three hours. Not sure if it's just a way of my body preparing me for when baby arrives (or my subconscious) but either way it was a new symptom. I'll wake up due to heartburn and reach for the tums, prop my pillow up a bit, and take a small sip of water. Or I'll wake up having to pee immediately! It's now come to the point where I lay on one side, use both hands to prop myself up so I can get out of bed. I'm sure this is amusing to Jorge, but at least it's not the worst of symptoms that can occur. Still thankful this is all I'm feeling as far as symptoms goes, hoping it continues this way til Little Foot makes his/her arrival.

Jorge and I attended a wedding on Friday night in Redlands for one of my best friends. Vanessa was a co-worker when I worked at Frisco's and will always be a great part of my life. Thankful we've been able to keep in touch for special events like this. She was such beautiful bride! I can't wait for them to start a family of their own so Little Foot will have some playmates! (hint hint) ;)
34 Weeks Pregnant with Little Foot at Vanessa & Dylan's wedding

Vanessa & Dylan
Saturday was Devo's birthday and we went out with some of our girlfriends to celebrate. We met up with Ani, Pyka, Elisa, and Brittany for dinner at CPK and then followed it with some bowling (Judy met up with us there). Before we left to bowling both my mom and Jorge didn't think I was able to bowl, I honestly hadn't thought about it much but didn't think it would be an issue. I told them I would stop if I felt anything uncomfortable and take it easy. But I was fine! I didn't take the long approach like a pro and stood at the line like a newbie before rolling the ball down the aisle and I felt perfectly fine the whole time. It was funny because we kept the bumpers up from the previous party that was at our lane so I didn't do too bad. Overall it was a great night, I really enjoy bowling and should really go more often.

I think that's it for this week. Next week we are down to only five weeks left (which is a little scary to think about since we only have to be 37 weeks to deliver at the Natural Birth Center). It's exciting!!

-Heather Ortiz, mama to be

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