Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Week 27

This week came and went just like all of the others so far...leaving me so confused as to where the time went! This week Thursday we went in for the third trimester ultrasound and everything went great! He did mention that the baby is still in breech position so we had to schedule another appointment for around 37 weeks to see if the baby has turned by then. I'm not sure if this is normal or not though. I know it's super early for baby to actually be in position, but even at 37 weeks does Little Foot have to be turned? And if we know by going to the midwife and she feels that the baby is in position (head down) do we still have to go in for the ultrasound? I don't know, that will be one of the questions at my next midwife appointment which is next week.

Valentine's Day was on Friday! Both Jorge and I woke up with surprises/gifts from each other :) He leaves to work so much earlier than I do, so I made sure when I got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom (I knew it was going to happen) I put his gift on his dresser so he can see it when he wakes up at 5am. Later when I left to go to work I placed little gifts for my parents and sister in the dining room and went out to my car to find my surprise from Jorge! He always knows how to make me smile :) Later that night we went out to eat at one of our favorite restaurants and ate WAY TOO MUCH! It was delicious, but I was full. Now, keep in mind he doesn't get home from work until around 8ish, so we didn't eat until 9...came home and went right to sleep. BIG MISTAKE! Woke up in the middle of the night with really bad indigestion, and tums did not help one bit. Tried sitting up and going back to sleep, but just laid there for about an hour til I was able to do so. I've learned my lesson though. Smaller meals, and leave plenty of time for food to digest before going to sleep. Man, that was not fun!

Weekend came and went. Sunday I got a haircut (nothing new but makes me feel good) and Devo and I went to go see Frozen. Loved it! I'm the type of person that can sit and watch Disney movies (animated/children's movies) even if it's by myself, but I liked it a lot!

Monday we had the day off for the holiday and went to the Huntington Dog Beach with Lexi. Even though we're only there for a few hours, not only does she get exhausted...but so do we! All we do is throw the toy into the water for her to fetch, but I guess being in the sun during that time really takes it out of us. I took yet another nap when we got home. I'm starting to get the hang of this nap thing!

Overall great week, and looking forward to going to a wedding this upcoming Saturday for one of Jorge's family friends! Not sure if I can last in heels very long, but I'm sure going to try!

27 Weeks at Huntington Dog Beach

Little Foot at 27 Weeks
Playing with Lexi on a beautiful February afternoon

  -Heather Ortiz, mama to be

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