Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Week 25

Twenty-five weeks down, fifteen to go! For some reason I was secretly praying to at least make it to week 25 (even though I obviously want to make it to the 40 week mark), so it felt good making it to this point with no problems. I've read that babies can live outside the womb at 25 weeks, so in my head (always thinking the worst) if there WAS an emergency, I would believe the baby would survive. Well, Little Foot made it! Now getting off of negative thinking and on to all I have to be thankful for and what happened this week!

I had a regular, uneventful work week, which is always nice. Friday night Jorge and I took Bryan to Frisco's for dinner which was nice because it's been a slight craving during this pregnancy. Jorge had his craving (Greek Chicken Salad- amazing if you haven't tried it), and I had a meal that was way too much food, but very good. We even indulged and shared a Banana Split...delicious!

Saturday I went out shopping with my Mom and Devo to Best Buy, grabbed some Starbucks, and seemed like we spent a lot of time walking around which got me a little tired. Stopped by Babies-R-Us by our house to see if they had the swivel rocker I registered for online so I can try it out...and they didn't. But that didn't stop us from sitting in the gliders they did have for about twenty minutes! Yeah, I was tired. I really didn't think I had done much that day, but it hit me then and it was nice putting my feet up for a little bit. Jorge came home from a "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day" lol. Ok, it probably wasn't that bad but it was funny hearing what happens when men are in charge of planning an event. We went to the Lazy Dog in Brea with Bobby, Eric, and Shuey and had a great dinner!

Superbowl Sunday! Took the drive out to Rancho Cucamonga to our cousin's house for their party. It was nice seeing family, and actually getting to relax, make some bets, and watch the game! I obviously passed on the jello shots, and realized how much I missed having a glass of wine! I'll definitely be planning a wine tasting night after the baby, because it's something I don't have often but when you CAN'T have it I realized I missed it just a little bit.

Monday I had our midwife appointment and everything is going well still. I've gained 5 lbs since my last appointment a month ago (eeeek) but only a total of 11 lbs so far, so I guess that's not too bad considering I'm almost 6 months pregnant. The blood tests came back from the last appointment and they concluded that the baby does have RH+ blood, which means I do need to get the set of shots (one at 28 weeks, and the other after the birth). I HATE SHOTS. I MEAN REALLY HATE SHOTS. I used to breakdown just by giving blood, but's necessary. Oh well.

There were a few pregnancy related symptoms or moods this week. For one, I would get out of the car too quickly and would pull my round ligament. It takes my breath away for a little bit. So here I am in the parking lot of Jamba Juice stretching and massaging the area (where your leg meets your pelvic bone) haha. It went away after a while, but I really need to remember to swing both legs out of the car at the same time from now on because it keeps happening! I also had an emotional/moody night that was exaggerated because of the pregnancy hormones (yes, I'm sticking with that excuse) lol. We had a few new developments with the lot we're purchasing, and starting the research of building and it just seemed a little overwhelming. Not going into detail, but it just made me realize how much I'd like to have in order before the baby comes. We'll see how that goes!

Another week in the making, and baby keeps growing and kicking like crazy! Next week I think I'll officially be 6 months!

-Heather Ortiz, mama to be

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