Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Week 26

Just putting it out there, but this picture was taken with my iphone instead of a regular camera because the battery died...and so did the back-up camera's battery! So it's not as clear as others but oh well.

This week we got a little bit more done upstairs! We painted the wall Saturday morning with the color I bought at Lowe's that was supposed to be a steel gray. Well, it looked blue! Not so much the neutral color I was looking for! We ended up going to the new Dunn Edwards store and repainted the wall with the newer, darker gray color I was looking for. Well thankfully it came out looking just as I hoped. After adding some base molding, painting the door, attaching new door hinges, new door knob, and door moldings the wall looked great. Now, the next step it picking out a design I like and stenciling/painting the decor for behind/around the crib. I'm excited for that!

Saturday we also attended a baby shower for Cain and Jessica's little one coming next month! Baby Jordan is already so loved, we can't wait for his arrival! I'm especially excited because our kids will be so close in age I hope they can grow up together and have play dates, family vacations together in the future!

Sunday we did a little running around and bought material for the wall project upstairs (I'll post a picture below of the before and after). Attended mass as usual, and dared going to Walmart to check out a great deal my mom and sister had found the day before. We bought our first nursery furniture piece! There was a glider/ottoman combo at Walmart for only $130! That's a great deal! Everything we had seen at Babies-R-Us was ridiciously expensive and mostly came as separate pieces. So this...was a deal we couldn't pass up on. After sitting in it I knew it was worth getting, so we brought home our first (larger) purchase. That was exciting.

Looking forward to our next (and hopefully last) ultrasound this Thursday since it's the last time we'll be able to see the baby before his/her birthday! I'll keep you updated as we continue, and I'm thinking in the next few weeks I'll be doing a post on our own type of Gender: Old Wives Tales edition to see if the universe is thinking we're having a little boy or girl!
Left: Before painting; filling in the holes                                 Right: Finished base color with new moldings
Glider and Ottoman combo from Walmart
I think Little Foot likes it ;)
-Heather Ortiz, mama to be

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