Thursday, March 27, 2014

Week 32

Thirty-two weeks have come and gone! A lot has definitely happened this week that I'm very excited to share with all of you!

This was my last full week at work and started working from home. It's nice because I'm able to do just about everything I'm able to do in the office from home. Calls are forwarded to my cell, using the remote desktop connection to use the computer from work, and even call for inspections for current projects. It's nice to be able to still be in my pajamas and working! Don't get me wrong, i'm still working full days, but being able to slowly get baby stuff done during the down time, and getting snacks from the kitchen whenever I feel like it is a huge perk!

On Saturday Jorge's family held a Baby Shower for us and it was great! It was "bee" themed so everything was yellow and black, and decorated so cute. I'll post pictures in a separate post or add them to this one later. We are very blessed to have our family around us during this time, and we are very thankful for all of the work and time they put into the baby shower for us. Little Foot is already so loved!

Now onto the exciting news! Jorge and I officially closed escrow on Friday on a lot! Yep you read that correctly, not a house, but a vacant lot. We started this process in September and finally got everything straightened out and we now own a lot! Our plan is to build a duplex in the coming months but that's going to be a whole other process but I'll keep updating as we go along. 

Looking forward to all that's coming in the next few weeks! 

-Heather Ortiz, mama to be

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Week 31

Okay, so since I'm extremely late on posting this update, once again I'll be doing a very short bullet point update on what happened this past week!

  • On Thursday I met Jorge up in Solvang for a mini Babymoon! He was up North since Sunday night for a work conference so I was very anxious to see him. Although it may not seem like a long time to some of you, but four nights apart is the longest time we've spent apart since being married. It was a nice short vacation but being in Solvang was such a tease because of all of the wine tasting places! We'll have to make another visit after the baby is born.
  • It's been pretty hot here in Southern California lately so I'm not sure if I'm actually getting swollen or reacting to the temperature change. But it has been more and more difficult to get my wedding ring on and off! I'm sure soon I'll stop wearing it, but maybe have it around a necklace, we'll see.
  • Since I'm posting so late I've already been to the baby shower for the Ortiz side of the family, but I'll update you on that next week!
-Heather Ortiz, mama to be

Monday, March 10, 2014

Week 30

Only ten more weeks to go!

This week was my Mom's and my birthday week so we went to dinner with my Grandma at a restaurant called The Market Place in Downey. It is delicious Greek food! During dinner my Grandma made it a point to ask me about my birth plan and the birth center where we're planning on delivering Little Foot. After giving her some information she made it a point to say how she would like to be there if she could! I had never really thought about asking her if she would be interested in being present for the birth, but she made it very clear that if I would allow her to be there, that she would love to be a part of the experience. (She did also make it a point to say that if I wanted her, or anyone else out of the room during my labor, to just say the word and she would leave). My Grandma is going to be 93 in May, and knowing that she wants to share this experience means a lot to me.

This week Jorge and I kept up with some cleaning and rearranging furniture in the room (I feel like it's never ending!) and bought some bins to organize and store baby blankets, clothes, and some swaddle blankets. We definitely need to buy another dresser or clean out some of ours because we are NOT going to have enough space after the baby showers.

I think Little Foot's now in position...I could be wrong, but I feel more pressure towards the bottom of my belly every time I stand up which makes me think it's the baby's head pressing down on my bladder! It's still so amazing every time I feel the baby move inside me and try to stretch out. The baby's definitely running out of room in there, but I'm sure my belly will continue to keep growing to allow for space.

Below is a picture from the front of Little Foot and one of my favorite quotes. Might print this out and put it in the nursery for decoration :) See you next week...almost in the single digits for how many weeks are left! 

One of my favorite quotes with a picture of Little Foot inside :)

My view at 30 Weeks! Feet are almost gone!
-Heather Ortiz, mama to be

Friday, March 7, 2014

Week 29

Whoops! Well this week was pretty busy so I'm going to quickly do some bullet points of what this week has brought us!

  • Glucose test came back normal!
  • Found out through the blood tests that i'm anemic :( Now have to take some liquid iron+herbs to help and we'll be retaking some blood tests in three weeks.
  • Took the RH- shot...have always hated shots but it really wasn't that bad.
  • Bought some nursing bras that I started wearing right away because they were so comfortable! Figured it was a smart purchase since i'll be needing them.
  • Painted the tree design on the wall where the crib will be! It's not completely finished but I'm so excited about the colors and the way it looks so far!
  • We received our first registry gifts! Thank you to Jorge's co-worker Walter for gifting Little Foot's car seat, and our ex-neighbors for purchasing the crib mattress and sheet savers! It's so exciting receiving the first gifts, but also reminds me how much we still have to do to get the room and find space for all of Little Foot's gifts that we'll be getting soon. Only 11 weeks to go...time is going by very quickly.
There's a short re-cap, hopefully i'll be doing a better (quicker) job at posting these weekly updates in a timely manner!

-Heather Ortiz, mama to be