Monday, January 13, 2014

Week 22

This week I think I've officially popped! Not only just looking at the picture, but really feeling like the bump is definitely getting bigger.

This was a fun week because I started our registry! It's not up and ready for people to view just yet though. I was going through and adding anything that looked cute (and maybe not necessary) but I just wanted to start getting the hang of it and then later go through and see what we like, don't like, or don't need! Well turns out I thought I was on a pretty good roll, and then I asked Jorge to take a look at what I had down and it seems as if I had forgotten quite a few basic essentials....whoops! That's why we're starting early. So we can get a grip on everything and make sure we're not forgetting the necessities!

My mom and I also made a trip down to the store where we'll be registering for all of our cloth diaper essentials. The owner is so nice, and extremely helpful when giving information and advice about cloth diapers. I took my mom so she can go and ask questions that I may not have known the answers to, and also to ask questions I haven't even thought about yet! Needless to say, David (the owner) gave us all of the information we needed to feel comfortable about the decision to go cloth! The store is based out of Whittier, CA and is called The Tender Tush. Highly recommend them for all who have questions about cloth, and also just because their customer service is exactly what mom's are looking for. Someone who is honest about their products and not all about taking advantage of mom's during this (sometimes) very stressful yet exciting time in their lives! (I'll add their link below)

On Saturday, I attended a friend of Jorge's family's bridal shower which was Kentucky Derby themed. It was so fun seeing all of these women dressed up in their hats and dresses....and EVERYONE dressed up! I really like this theme idea and might be hinting this idea for a baby shower (hint hint) lol.

Monday we made our first visit to a Babies-R-Us and found it very overwhelming. I had already done research as to what stroller I liked (blogs and youtube reviews by customers) and went to go show Jorge in person. Well it turns out our store is only a third of the size of regular Babies-R-Us stores (ours is combined with Toys-R-Us) and they didn't have the stroller I was looking for. But just walking through the aisles of strollers, swings, car seats, and cribs was very overwhelming. I was trying to remember everything I'd read about each and it was too hard. I think we're going to have to set up an appointment at one of the larger stores where an associate can tell/show us the differences between the products. This baby business is no joke! (Any advice when it comes to choosing products or where the best research articles are, are very welcomed!)

I know I'm only 22 weeks, but I feel like in no time we'll be attending baby showers for Little Foot and we'll need to have all this stuff picked out! On top of that, we have a lot of cleaning to do in our room to organize and move furniture into our storage unit to make space for the baby! It'l come in no time! As always, I still feel extremely blessed to be growing this precious baby inside of me, and with every kick I am reminded how lucky I am to soon be a mom!
My point of view- 22 Weeks
The Tender Tush - Whittier, CA

-Heather Ortiz, mama to be


  1. Yay yay yay! you totally have popped! You look amazing!

    1. Okay, I've been trying to reply to each of your comments for so long now and don't know why it wasn't letting me until now! So much I have to learn from Blogger still lol. Thank you for everything!
