Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Week 24

Well week 24 has come and gone, and I'm still feeling great! I don't think I ever mentioned it in previous posts since I started blogging around the second trimester, but I had a very smooth first trimester. I was extremely lucky to have zero (negative) symptoms! No morning sickness, no fatigue, back pain, headaches, etc. So when I say that I'm STILL feeling great, I mean from the very beginning. It may sound like I'm bragging (well I am a little bit) but it's mostly because I'm anticipating some of these symptoms to kick in any day now. One night I woke up to heartburn for the first time EVER! It was such a weird feeling, and I wasn't quite sure what to do. So I drank a little bit of water and fell back asleep. It did the trick for now, but I have a feeling I might need to keep some Tums on my night stand from now on! I also did feel some left side sciatic pain, but it wasn't consistent. I realize when I'm sitting for too long I feel slight pain on my tailbone, so now I make sure to get up and stretch/walk around more often which has helped.

This week we continued working on the room upstairs, and if I do say so myself, think it is looking great! Little changes that are making me feel more comfortable about the fact that Little Foot will be here in no time! By finishing up the wall upstairs in January, it keeps us right on track to what I'd like to get done. Here's a little bit of what it looks like:

  • January: Take down bookcases, build wall on staircase (fill in slats/openings), heavy-duty cleaning, get rid of unnecessary junk, etc.
  • February: Decorate and paint wall where crib will be. 
  • March: Baby Showers- Wash all clothes, bedding, diapers, etc. that need to be prepared before touching baby skin. Put together new furniture, and put unwanted furniture in our storage unit. 
  • April: RELAX! 
Sunday Jorge had a soccer game/play day with the guys in Upland at an indoor arena. It was great because I was able to catch up with Ann and Brittany! After they were finished playing we went to a pub and I had a traditional Shepherd's Pie (one of my favorites), and that really satisfied a craving for the moment.

Another week, another reason to feel blessed that I get to experience being pregnant. I'm so grateful for family and friends that are helping me along the way and making me feel comfortable in the decisions I'm making. I love you all!
My point of view- 24 Weeks

Staircase/Wall- Left (Before) Right (After)
-Heather Ortiz, mama to be

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Week 23

Okay, so I'm not sure if it's my usual forgetfulness or if it's a pregnancy symptom, but I've had a problem remembering what I've been doing all week by the time I sit down to write down this entry!

On Friday, I drove down to Santa Monica and had a date night with Jorge after work. We walked down to see the sunset, and everything was perfect! The weather was amazing, and it really was a great night to stroll around. We ate a place overlooking the ocean, and it was the best meal I think I've ever had! Just amazing. Afterwards we strolled up and down 3rd Street Promenade and around the mall before heading back to his office to pick up the car. It was really nice spending time with just Jorge, and appreciating what little alone time we have left! I feel blessed everyday to have him in my life. He is truly my best friend, and love him more than words can express. Being able to have him as my children's father is a huge blessing and I thank God everyday for bringing him into my life.

Jorge and I did some deep cleaning this weekend to help us prepare for when Little Foot arrives. Throwing away a few large bags of trash (old knick-knack items that are really just taking up space that don't have sentimental value). We took down two bookcases and rearranged our furniture to make space for the crib, and the room now looks like it has so much room! There are still a few pieces that we'll be moving into our storage later on, so I think we'll have enough room. The space that we have designated for the crib is also a perfect area and we'll have a chance to paint and decorate it like a nursery! For those of you that don't know, we'll be moving later in the year to a new house so this is a temporary situation, but I love that we can still decorate and love the baby space for the time we're here! 

We also completed our registry for Babies-R-US! Oh my gosh, can I just say that it took us two days and over 6 hours to do this. It's really nice that the store gives us a checklist to go off of (with recommended quantities of each item), but just making these decisions took very long. I thought I was somewhat prepared as to what I wanted, but being there and talking through it with Jorge really just made it take so long! I do give Jorge a huge amount of credit though. He was extremely patient with me while making these decisions. My mom and sister came along to help with the registry process, and I must say that I loved having their company. I just handed over the checklist to them to lead me in the right direction, and it kept us moving through the aisles efficiently. 

Now that our registries are complete and ready to go, I feel like I'll have a few weeks of sitting back and relaxing until late March when the showers are planned! We are fortunate enough that both of our parents live near us and want to host a shower (it's the first grand baby for both sides of the family) so we'll be having two separate baby showers! I'm hoping by having the showers at the end of March, it will give us the month of April to wash clothes, set up furniture, and go through our nesting phase before the baby arrives in May. Hopefully all goes according to plan!

This week was also the first time that I SAW my belly move while the baby was kicking! That was exciting, and I know it's only going to get stronger from here on out. I love feeling the movement and try to imagine if it's Little Foot's legs or arms that i'm feeling. Every time I feel the baby kick I move my hand across my belly and Jorge asks if I feel it, as soon as he places his hand to try and feel it the baby stops! Somehow the baby knows when it's me or Jorge and doesn't kick as often when it's him. Funny, but true.

Another week, another reason to be grateful for all that is happening! I pray each and everyday for the baby to keep growing and stay healthy, along with the health and safety for all family and friends, and all of those who are also currently pregnant. Before being pregnant I never truly understood how intense the feelings become, and how much one can worry about during nine long months! I get it now. I do. For all parents out there, I give so much credit and admiration to you for what you've been through. Pregnancy truly is a miracle from God, and once again I feel blessed to experience it myself. 

Til next week!

Sunset from Santa Monica, CA

-Heather Ortiz, mama to be

Monday, January 13, 2014

Week 22

This week I think I've officially popped! Not only just looking at the picture, but really feeling like the bump is definitely getting bigger.

This was a fun week because I started our registry! It's not up and ready for people to view just yet though. I was going through and adding anything that looked cute (and maybe not necessary) but I just wanted to start getting the hang of it and then later go through and see what we like, don't like, or don't need! Well turns out I thought I was on a pretty good roll, and then I asked Jorge to take a look at what I had down and it seems as if I had forgotten quite a few basic essentials....whoops! That's why we're starting early. So we can get a grip on everything and make sure we're not forgetting the necessities!

My mom and I also made a trip down to the store where we'll be registering for all of our cloth diaper essentials. The owner is so nice, and extremely helpful when giving information and advice about cloth diapers. I took my mom so she can go and ask questions that I may not have known the answers to, and also to ask questions I haven't even thought about yet! Needless to say, David (the owner) gave us all of the information we needed to feel comfortable about the decision to go cloth! The store is based out of Whittier, CA and is called The Tender Tush. Highly recommend them for all who have questions about cloth, and also just because their customer service is exactly what mom's are looking for. Someone who is honest about their products and not all about taking advantage of mom's during this (sometimes) very stressful yet exciting time in their lives! (I'll add their link below)

On Saturday, I attended a friend of Jorge's family's bridal shower which was Kentucky Derby themed. It was so fun seeing all of these women dressed up in their hats and dresses....and EVERYONE dressed up! I really like this theme idea and might be hinting this idea for a baby shower (hint hint) lol.

Monday we made our first visit to a Babies-R-Us and found it very overwhelming. I had already done research as to what stroller I liked (blogs and youtube reviews by customers) and went to go show Jorge in person. Well it turns out our store is only a third of the size of regular Babies-R-Us stores (ours is combined with Toys-R-Us) and they didn't have the stroller I was looking for. But just walking through the aisles of strollers, swings, car seats, and cribs was very overwhelming. I was trying to remember everything I'd read about each and it was too hard. I think we're going to have to set up an appointment at one of the larger stores where an associate can tell/show us the differences between the products. This baby business is no joke! (Any advice when it comes to choosing products or where the best research articles are, are very welcomed!)

I know I'm only 22 weeks, but I feel like in no time we'll be attending baby showers for Little Foot and we'll need to have all this stuff picked out! On top of that, we have a lot of cleaning to do in our room to organize and move furniture into our storage unit to make space for the baby! It'l come in no time! As always, I still feel extremely blessed to be growing this precious baby inside of me, and with every kick I am reminded how lucky I am to soon be a mom!
My point of view- 22 Weeks
The Tender Tush - Whittier, CA

-Heather Ortiz, mama to be

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Week 21

I think time is stealing a few hours away from me here and there because this week has been the quickest yet! 

Ever since feeling Baby Little Foot kick last week, I have felt kicking every single day! It really is such an amazing feeling. I usually feel it most after I've eaten or after drinking some cold water, maybe the food gives it more energy in there! It was kicking so often one night I had Jorge feel my stomach where I was feeling the movement and he felt it! We were so excited that we went downstairs and had my mom feel for it as well. It took a few minutes, but she ended up feeling it too! 

New Years was exciting this year. Devon researched a whole bunch of different traditions from all over the world and it was fun seeing my family partake in the festivities. Some of the traditions she found were (and she can correct me if I'm wrong):
  • Write down a wish on a piece of paper, burn it, and put the ashes in your glass of champagne (or apple cider for me). For me, I wrote down the wish, burned it, and divided it between Devon, Pyka, and Judy to drink :)
  • Eat 12 grapes between 12:00-12:01am.
  • Buy/Wear a brand new pair of pink underwear.
  • Run around the block with a piece of empty luggage. I didn't do this one, but the three crazies did!
  • A dark-haired man has to be the first person to enter (or re-enter your house) stepping with his Right foot first. (Jorge did this one for us!)
Jorge's parents returned from Mexico on Saturday and Jorge picked them up from the airport in the evening. After dropping off their luggage we all went to Oh Crab (unfortunately I had already eaten some In-N-Out so I didn't have any seafood, but still enjoyed everyone's company). Glad they're back safe and sound and enjoyed their vacation!

We had our next Midwife appointment on Monday and everything is good to go. I was measuring about a week ahead, but everything looked great, and heartbeat was nice and strong at 145! They did the blood draw to check for the RH Negative, so I'll update once we know what the results are as well.

Overall it was really great week even though it went by extremely fast! Keep you updated on what's going on with the pregnancy and the Baby! 
My point of view!
-Heather Ortiz, mama to be