Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Week 39

And so it begins! Week 39 has brought us the most interesting week for updates by far! 

(Following information will be a little TMI for some, but here are the details)

Saturday morning, 5/10/14, at 3:30 in the morning I woke up to a "pop" like sensation with a hard kick from the baby. As I got up I had a feeling something was going to come out of me so I grabbed a towel and out came the first part of my mucous plug along with my bloody show. I went down to the restroom and out came more (some is still coming out almost every time I go to the restroom FYI- 5/12/14).

Around 4:00 am contractions started. I knew these were different than the Braxton Hicks I had been feeling precious weeks, these felt like menstrual cramps. That morning I told Jorge around 6:00 am what was going on and he immediately alerted family! (Kinda jumped the gun, but at least they know it's started).

So here we are, after our appointment on Monday morning with some updates for you!
* 1cm dilated
* 50% effaced
* -1 Station
* Cervix facing towards the back a little bit (will move forward on it's own)
* Contractions are pretty consistent and are around 4-5:30 minutes apart lasting anywhere from 1-1:45 minutes in length.

Simona seems to think we might be delivering in the next few days so we'll keep you updated!
Crib and decor is all ready for Little Foot!
I'll be posting this as soon as things get really close...it's almost time!
For reference: Monday morning baby was at -1 Station
For reference: Monday morning cervix was 50% effaced and dilated 1cm
-Heather Ortiz, mama to be

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Week 38

Little Foot is the size of a Pumpkin, and yes it sure feels like I'm walking around holding a pumpkin 24/7. We're now 38 weeks in, and I would like to make it to the due date (for the sake of Little Foot's continuing brain/organ development), but my body is now starting to really feel the pain and discomfort everybody talks about. I've been starting to feel like my body is really getting ready for labor though. I feel more movement towards the bottom (pelvic pressure) and consistent Braxton Hicks contractions. On top of that, my back has just started hurting this week so I've been trying to do some stretches and find a position where it won't start aching right away. I'm not really complaining about it though because I know it's all part of the process, just letting you know what's changing!

This week I made it a point to get some errands done. We bought some last minute items at Babies-R-Us, picked out the "coming home" outfit for Little Foot which is exciting because we picked out one pink and one blue! Everything is washed, folded, and ready to go.

After mass on Sunday it was about 90 degrees outside and we couldn't decide what to eat, so we went to this seafood place (only my second time there) and it sure hit the spot. We had some fish tostada's and shrimp cocktail's...very refreshing on a hot day. 

Simona called on Sunday afternoon re-scheduling our appointment we had for Monday because she has someone in labor. It's so crazy to think that any day now that call can be about me...and I'll be the one in labor. Jorge and I are so excited and extremely ready to meet our little one! We'll see when that will be :)

Monday was the last day of being 38 complete weeks and yet another project has begun here at the house...taking out carpet and putting in wood flooring. Baby can come any day so they're hoping to get this flooring in ASAP! (My family is putting this together not a company, so it won't be done in one day). I'll show before and after pictures later!

-Heather Ortiz, mama to be