Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Week 24

Well week 24 has come and gone, and I'm still feeling great! I don't think I ever mentioned it in previous posts since I started blogging around the second trimester, but I had a very smooth first trimester. I was extremely lucky to have zero (negative) symptoms! No morning sickness, no fatigue, back pain, headaches, etc. So when I say that I'm STILL feeling great, I mean from the very beginning. It may sound like I'm bragging (well I am a little bit) but it's mostly because I'm anticipating some of these symptoms to kick in any day now. One night I woke up to heartburn for the first time EVER! It was such a weird feeling, and I wasn't quite sure what to do. So I drank a little bit of water and fell back asleep. It did the trick for now, but I have a feeling I might need to keep some Tums on my night stand from now on! I also did feel some left side sciatic pain, but it wasn't consistent. I realize when I'm sitting for too long I feel slight pain on my tailbone, so now I make sure to get up and stretch/walk around more often which has helped.

This week we continued working on the room upstairs, and if I do say so myself, think it is looking great! Little changes that are making me feel more comfortable about the fact that Little Foot will be here in no time! By finishing up the wall upstairs in January, it keeps us right on track to what I'd like to get done. Here's a little bit of what it looks like:

  • January: Take down bookcases, build wall on staircase (fill in slats/openings), heavy-duty cleaning, get rid of unnecessary junk, etc.
  • February: Decorate and paint wall where crib will be. 
  • March: Baby Showers- Wash all clothes, bedding, diapers, etc. that need to be prepared before touching baby skin. Put together new furniture, and put unwanted furniture in our storage unit. 
  • April: RELAX! 
Sunday Jorge had a soccer game/play day with the guys in Upland at an indoor arena. It was great because I was able to catch up with Ann and Brittany! After they were finished playing we went to a pub and I had a traditional Shepherd's Pie (one of my favorites), and that really satisfied a craving for the moment.

Another week, another reason to feel blessed that I get to experience being pregnant. I'm so grateful for family and friends that are helping me along the way and making me feel comfortable in the decisions I'm making. I love you all!
My point of view- 24 Weeks

Staircase/Wall- Left (Before) Right (After)
-Heather Ortiz, mama to be


  1. oof heartburn is the pits. I had it really bad. Papaya enzyme helps as do tums. I often had to sleep sitting up it was so bad. Hopefully yours subsides. Love the belly! You look so cute.

    1. Thank you! And yeah I felt like sitting up helped a little bit for the heartburn too. I'll have to try the papaya enzyme though :)

  2. I love this! Keep up the blogging girley!

    1. Haha thank you! And yes, I hopefully will keep this up. The week comes and goes so fast sometimes, it's like "didn't I just write an entry!?" lol
