Thursday, December 12, 2013

Week 16

I can't believe I'm already 16 weeks! The first trimester was dragging on and on (just because I wanted to get through it not because of morning sickness or feeling bad), and now the weeks are just flying by!

I was trying to decide when to start taking weekly pictures to document my bump and what's going on with the baby each week, but didn't really see a point until there was a little bump to now there is! 

This week was Thanksgiving which I look forward to each year (even if it's because I can start listening to Christmas music without getting weird looks)! I had a slight cold coming on, but not enough to take any medicine. Used the old fashioned vapor rub to help soothe me to sleep, and it did help. Thanksgiving day was great! I was able to sleep in, and casually get ready for our family dinner later that night in Rancho Cucamonga. I was looking forward to seeing everyone, and as I assumed everyone was eager to see me and congratulate us on the baby news! 

Overall a great week, and happy that the pregnancy is going by smoothly and everything seems to be alright. I'll try to keep this updated weekly, but no promises! ;)

-Heather Ortiz, mama to be

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