Sunday, September 15, 2013

It's official!

September 11th will always be a day we will never forget...but now I will always remember that on September 11, 2013 as the day I found out I was pregnant for the first time ever!

Waking up that morning I didn't really have a feeling anything was different, but I was late a few days and decided to take a test just to see. Short backstory for those of you that don't know, but I'm one of the millions of women that have PCOS. Everyone is different, and my only symptom is irregular cycles so it's not bad at all. But because of the PCOS testing on CD32 I really wasn't expecting anything since my cycles are anywhere from 27-38 days. Anyway, back to my morning. After taking the test I let it sit on the counter while I brushed my teeth, and getting prepared to see it and throw it away I grabbed the stick and BAM! TWO LINES! I stood there for a little while thinking my eyes were playing tricks on me, but was positive!

I soon came back to reality and got ready for work because now I was pushing it being there on time. Consciously not making myself an iced chai tea latte to go, I took off to work. I brought the test with me, and probably pulled it out of my purse to look at it 20x that day! After work I came home and decided to take another test, just to make sure and once again, positive! 

I've been researching and planning as much as possible up this point, but having it become reality was a whole other feeling. Overcome with emotions, my next step was deciding how I wanted to tell Jorge, and then our parents. Those stories will come later! Stay tuned :)

-Heather Ortiz
Mama to be

1 comment:

  1. SOOOO exciting! Your blog makes me so happy! Its so fun to be on the other end reading about a pregnancy and soon to be little ones milestones. I am so incredibly happy for you guys. xoxooxox
